A Specialist Institute for Immunoassay System, Custom-Order Peptide Synthesis and Antibody Production
Products Information EIA and ELISA Kit List Antibody List

Yanaihara Institute Inc.
2480-1, Awakura, Fujinomiya-shi
Shizuoka, Japan 418-0011
TEL: +81-544-22-2771
FAX: +81-544-22-2770


Main Business
Antibody production
, establishment of protein immunoassay method using synthetic peptides, development of enzyme immunoassay kits for various kinds of biological principles and chemical substances, and sales of research reagents, especially various kinds of antibody-based reagents.

Commercializing the Fruits of Years of Research at University

@Yanaihara Institute Inc. was founded by the companyfs first president, Noboru Yanaihara in 1995 to commercialize the fruits of research he had build up over years of experience first as a professor at University of Shizuoka School of Pharmaceutical Science, then as its head. As for Yanaiharafs research staffs the company makes it possible for them to tackle the sorts of challenging research that is really satisfying, while at the same time giving them the joy of creating products that result in products of high added value. Accordingly, Yanaihara is a venture that caters to the demands of a select group of elite researchers.

From Peptide Synthesis to the Production of Antibody-based Research Reagents
@Yanaihara synthesizes purposely-designed peptides used as antigens and produces antibodies against the peptides, which recognize proteins that contain the peptides in the sequences. Antibody is produced using the immune system of small animal. When the antigen is introduced to a small animal, the immune system reacts by producing antibody. Beyond this Yanaihara possesses technology that has resulted in a consistent process that produces antibody-based research regents. Such technology is linked to the leading edge of post-genome research, being utilized for the identification and explanation of many unknown proteins. Until recently, it has been usual that such work has been done by a number of different companies and research laboratories, so that pharmaceutical companies placing orders had no other choice than to go to various individual companies according to the type of job that needed to be done. Yanaihara, on the other hand, has worked hard to develop a high level of technology so that it is able to offer a complete range of services from antigen design to antibody production, and assay system development, something that only a few research companies are able to do, and an ability that has won praise around the world. This kind of service can also be provided for measurement of chemicals including drugs and endocrine disrupters. Yanaihara has developed and sells a series of more than 20 general-purpose enzyme-linked immunoassay kits (EIA or ELISA kit) for the biotechnology market. The productfs demands grow up continually. Yanaiharafs policy is to develop products that are differentiated by their extremely high sensitivity and specificity, and it has succeeded to the extent that its products continue to be rated highly internationally.

Measuring Stress Substance
@In addition, working with the Toyota Motor Groupfs Toyota Central R&D Labs, Yanaihara was able to develop the worldfs first reagent capable of detecting stress substance through the measurement of a protein called Chromogranin A (YK070) found in saliva.
@Yanaihara is a company that not only answer the needs of university, research laboratories and companies for research reagents of a very high level with contract based work but also uses its advanced technologies to develop its own products.

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or Tel: +81-544-22-2771 Fax: +81-544-22-2770
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