
YK280 Human s-IgA (Saliva) ELISA


Secretory IgA (s-IgA) is the main effector of the mucosal immune system and act as the first line of immune mechanisms at the mucosal surface. Secretory IgA is included in the most abundant immunoglobulin of body sccretions such as saliva, tears, colostrum and gastrointestinal secretions.

Secretory IgA is produced by IgA-producing plasma cells predominantly as polymeric IgA consisting of dimer linked by J chain. The polymeric IgA is transported by the epithelial polymeric immunoglobulin receptor and released into mucosal secretions with a bound secretory component (SC).
Since the collection of saliva is capable of easy and non-invasive sampling, s-IgA concentrations in saliva has been used as a useful biomarker in various stresses, psychological studies.
The kit can be used for measurement of human s-IgA in saliva with high sensitivity. It will be a specifically useful tool for various stresses and psychological studies.

< Specificity >

This ELISA kit has high specificity to human s-IgA, and shows no cross reactivity to human serum IgA, serum IgG, serum IgM and serum IgE.